Regions and Ecoregions

California Regions

California  is divided into regions.

In this picture, California is divided into 4 primary regions which are coastal, valley, mountain, and desert regions.

 Region: is a large land area that has similar features but differs from the surrounding areas.

Desert Region:   is a desert is an area that has many flat, low areas, with little rainfall.

 Valley Region: is a long area of low land between hills or mountains.

Coastal Region:  is the land next to the sea. It has mountains, hills, and cliffs like Los Angeles.

Mountain Region: is an area with mountains, large forests, and lakes.

Los Angeles county is located in the Southern Coastal Region. 
Living in a Coastal region has its advantage which is living near the beach.
 What do you think? 
Santa Monica Beach

 White, William E. History-social Science for California: Our Communities. Glenview, IL: Pearson Scott             
             Foresman, 2006. Print.

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