The Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains Climate

Moraine Lake 17092005.jpg

The Rocky Mountains are an amazing site to see. During summer, the climate is mostly warm and dry in the Rocky Mountains, and the climate is cold and wet during winter. In winter, the snow is very powdery and lies until spring thaw because of the its cold and dry weather. Mayda writes "Considerable summer showers are mediated by winds, low humidity, and evaporation. The winter snowpack provides most of the measurable precipitation. The westerly winds influence precipitation, sending the western ranges ample summer rain" (Mayda 388).

The Rocky Mountains weather has changed through out time. The weather appears to be getting warmer which is causing the glaciers to melt. Because of the warm weather, some glaciers might disappear in the next 25 years. Overall, the Rocky Mountain climate change has affected the plants, fire, and the water flow. For example, "The west has been in a seesaw between drought and flooding for most of the twenty-first century. Snowpack has been below average or way above. The Margins of the mountains receive more rain than snow, and spring melt starts earlier" (Mayda 389). The climate  of the Rocky Mountains is changing, and the change doesn't seem for the better.  What do you think?

In California, the summer does seem to get hotter and colder in winter every year. But, "California's mild weather and Mediterranean precipitation pattern have been prime attractors" (Mayda 508). I live in California, and I love the California weather. I wouldn't want to live any place else. So, I personally  understand why the weather can be appealing to other people. The average temperature in a year in California ranges from 50'F and 80'F. Some areas of California do experience colder weather or warmer weather like the inland valley. The inland valley can reach temperatures above 100'F during summer. But, the climate in California is very much likable. Who wouldn't want to live in California? Would you? 
California Beach
California Beaches Photo

Mayda, Chris. A Regional Geography of the United States and Canada: Toward a Sustainable Future. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. Print

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