
Renewable Resources
Renewable resources are resources that are natural and can be replaced. For example, the sun ,  the wind, wood, and water are resources that can be replenished, so these resources can't be used up. However,  humans have been depended on nonrenewable resources which can not be replaced. For example, oil is a nonrenewable resource that humans have been depended on. Using nonrenewable resources becomes a problem when the nonrenewable source is exhausted.  An example of  a resource that has been exploited is oil; oil has been exhausted in other countries and is now being exported from the Middle East (Mayda 51 ). 

Solar energy is a renewable resource. California is one of the states that has the largest solar generators, and it is estimated that ten percent of all energy will be solar power by the year 2025 (Mayda 52).

Wind power is also a renewable resource. In 2010, 44,400 megawatts of wind power capacity  had been installed in the United States.Wind power has increased the electricity being generated by a 2.3 percent. California is one of the wind power leaders(Mayda 52).

Wind Turbines in Palm Spring, California

 Renewable energy can be expensive and can be considered to be inefficient (Mayda 52). For example, solar and wind renewable resource production can present problems.Solar power has its critics because of the batteries that aren't as efficient in storing power, and the batteries cause toxins. Wind farms can cause disruption in the births and bats pathway because of their location, so solar and wind energy can have its disadvantages. "On the other hand, wind and solar energy are pollution free, require no fossil fuel, are free of greenhouse gases, and produce no radioactive waste" (Mayda 52).

So, what do you think? Do you think solar or wind energy is a good alternative to the nonrenewable resources that are being used, or do you think there is a better alternative?

Mayda, Chris. A Regional Geography of the United States and Canada: Toward a Sustainable Future. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013. Print. 

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