Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest is made up of 2,000 miles of land that start from  the Alaska Panhandle to  northern California (Mayda 440).

Pacific Northwest Gardening Region map new

The Pacific Northwest is the area in purple in the above picture. The Pacific Northwest extends farther to Canada. The Cascade Range is a subregion of the Pacific Northwest, and it extends from northern California to the southwestern part of Canada." The Cascades' elevation varies from 3,000 to 9,000 feet, but the volcanic peaks within the range are much higher, the most massive being the majestic 14,415-foot Mount Rainier" (Mayda 442).

Map Of Mount_Shasta
The Southern Cascades include "Over 120 volcanoes and numerous cinder cones, lava flows, hot springs, and mud pools blanket the southern Cascades from Lassen Peak to Mount Hood. Rising abruptly form the Cascades, the volcanoes, including Oregon's Mount Hood, Crater Lake ( the remains of Mount Mazama), and California's Mount Shasta, are locally spectacular sights" (Mayda 443).

California's Mount Shasta is located 200 hundred miles north of Sacramento. Mount Shasta is 14,000 feet high

California's Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta does look like a spectacular sight! 


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